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In October, one of us was in Paris. Trip given to me for my birthday. I took the opportunity to meet Miren Lasnier, known thanks to a friend of mine.

Miren is a Parisian girl who produces handmade jewelry made entirely of wood. Or at least that's what my friend told me and it was what I thought before seeing what Miren really produces . Her creations are far away from being just "handmade jewelry" are real small works of art.
Slowly cultivating her passion Miren created the brand IU Jewellery Design, where IU stands for "you", a brand designed exclusively for you where the most important thing is make feel special every girl wearing a unique piece.

We spent a pleasant afternoon in the company of Miren and found out more about her and her work.
We were very fascinated by IU Jewellery Design and we decided to ask some questions to Miren to find out how Miren can produce these small wonders.
This was the conversation between you and us

How the passion for handmade jewelry is born?
I began to make jewels at first for my close friends and my family. And there was a click: in my school a Christmas market is organized in December. My creations pleased a lot, and it was motivated me to continue. I continued to develop new models, to try new things. And little by little I built my first collection. But it is not my first passion, I appreciate to realize jewels because it relaxes me, I like offering my creations, speaking about it, meeting people thanks to this project, etc.

We think your jewellery are really original and particular so we were wondering..
How did you get the inspiration for this type of jewelry? We mean... Why
you have opted for wooden jewelry?
I spent 5 years in a school art in Paris, l'Ecole Boulle. It was established by the cabinet maker of the king Louis XIV, so the wood is in the center of all the teachings. My grandfather also was a cabinet maker, and my younger sister is studiing that for the future! Thus I shall say that it came alone. Wood is also a fascinating material, I adore all the different essences that it exists. I discover a new one every day! All the existing patterns and the colors are incredible. Except that, I made the report that it was difficult to find beautiful wooden jewels, which are not "caricatures". That was a challenge to create contemporary wooden jewels!

Is it difficult and/or expensive to pursue the materials?
For the moment, I produce my jewels in very small quantity thus I have no problem. I also experiment with my materials that I have within easy reach ! And as I realize unique pieces so I have no problem of reproduction.

How long does it take to create a jewelry?
I draw, realize and sell every creation. Some of them take much more time than others. I would say that for a basic necklace I set 2 hours, and for a big necklace in marquetry I set 4 hours.

Choose a random product in your collection and tell us its implementation process?
I am going to choose Ava (http://iudesign.co/product/ava-1788628).
It represents the beginning of my work, but also his improvement. The first necklaces which I have create work on a principle of " factory of unique pieces ". From three patterns, cutted from the wood, I obtain various pieces of wood, which I color and I assemble every time differently to obtain a unique jewel! Ava resumes this principle, but moreover, this model is gilded with gold leaf, a technique that I have learned afterward. Ava has no same aspect from both sides, it is another principle than I shall like developing in my next creations.

In your typical week how much time do you dedicate to this passion?
A little too much I am in year of diploma and this activity sets more time than I shall have thought at the beginning. I shall say that I spend one-two hours there a day.

Have you ever had some important collaboration?
I try to work with collaborations a lot. I like very much this spirit of help, of meetings without back thought. It is the best way to work with fascinating and kind people.
I work on another project of jewels with an American designer, Ian Duffy, but I can say nothing furthermore!

If the answer is yes, how was? If the answer is no,what would be the collaboration of your dreams?
I like very much people with whom I collaborate, some people are close friends (Victoria Duchatelle who worked on the visual identity of the brand ïu, and the photographer Alice Mignon who signed the last photos of my collection). Thus it is for what I can hope of better!

In this project you have the support of friends and family?
Yes, it is very important for holding out. My boyfriend blames me for spending a lot of time above, but he is right! My friends sometimes work with me, and I collaborate for events with another friend, Marion Gouez, who creates handmade knitted fashion accessories!

This project you have undertaken fot you is just a hobby or it could become a job in the future?
At the beginning it was just for my pleasure, to discover something else than the industrial design. But it is true that I have to discover a whole new universe which I like very much, the univers of fashion. I cannot say even today if I want to make my job, but I do not close the door. We shall see what will arrive at me!

Where you see yourself in 10 years?
Rich and famous, it is what everybody wants, no !? ;)
No, I do not know, I cannot say, and I do not prefer to think of it because if ever nothing takes place I will be disappointed!

This is the conversation that we made with Miren once rincasate. We really want to say Thankìs very much to Miren for the time that she has spent with us and we hope to meet her again. Waiting wish her all the best.

In the afternoon spent with Miren we had fun to make some shots with the UI Design wear on myself for a 360 as a result of once worn. That day I was wearing an outfit very basic and simple. You can see very well how the jewels of Miren can also be worn every day to better decorate an outfit.

You can find Miren on her site, on Facebook and Instagram.



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